How to eliminate mucus for singing

By | April 4, 2021


Warm up your vocal cords. Singing bands require stretching before exertion. Jumping directly into the song without warming up properly can damage your cords, perhaps even permanently. Warming up also helps to clear your vocal cords of mucus or mucus buildup, which can adversely affect your singing.

Vibrate your vocal cords on a mild cloud, lying in your vocal area. Gradually increase the amount of air that passes through your vocal cords without increasing the volume or raising the pitch. Excessive mucus should move up from your vocal cords into the throat, where it can be swallowed.


Avoid coughing or clearing the throat. Doing so will slacken your vocal cords together. This will not only damage the cable’s tissue (and cause permanent damage over time), but will actually create even more mucus to protect the irritated tissue – creating a vicious circle that will quickly damage your vocal cords.

p> 3.

Stop smoking. In addition to the increased risk of lung or throat cancer, smoking causes amounts of mucus, reduces lung capacity and causes swelling and irritation throughout the throat and lungs (which in turn produces mucus).


Monitor what you put into your body. The loss of your healthy voice is one of the first indicators of an imbalance or toxicity in the body.

Avoid eating dairy products and fatty, sugary or fatty foods, which also causes your body to produce mucus. Especially avoid cheese or milk, which both put a thick coating of mucus on your vocal cords just minutes after consumption.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, drugs, citrus and dry air conditioning or heating. All of these dehydrate your vocal cords, causing them to swell and become irritated, which in turn produces mucus.

5. Drink plenty of water during and before the song. Well-hydrated cords are naturally lubricated and do not need to produce mucus for protection. Room temperature water is best. Cold water compresses your vocal cords and makes them tense. Hot water can temporarily remove mucus from your vocal cords, but overall it also puts on them.


Raised your voice. Singing is a strenuous activity, and as with other muscles in your body, you should ‘warm up’ your vocals Beat your jaws and relax your tongue as you say ‘ah’ to release your vocal muscles.

After long periods of singing, you should rest your voice by taking a corresponding break from singing and – if possible – speaking. Ideally, an hour of singing should be followed by a break of several hours, while several hours of singing were followed by an overnight stay.

Practicing these good habits will protect and keep your voice healthy and help you safely and easily eliminate mucus on your vocal cords.

Tips and warnings

  • Contrary to popular belief, lemon does not help your voice. While it can temporarily reduce mucus, lemon acidity dries out your vocal cords, causing irritation and mucus production.
  • Singing is a wonderful form of self-expression that you can enjoy even without being a professional. Still, taking your singing to a performance level – and maintaining a healthy voice while doing so – you need to take care of your voice with disciplined regimes. Adopting these gentle behaviors will help you effectively eliminate mucus from your vocal cords and maintain a strong and healthy voice.