How to find a song title by searching for lyrics

By | April 10, 2021

Find a song title by searching with Lyrics


First, check out one of the many reputable text pages on the web that have specific text search features built-in.

An example of a text search engine is:, a commercial website that has a high Google page rank for the keywords ‘lyrics’.

If you know of any other information about the song, such as the artist name or the album name, try searching with these keywords.

If the texts’ websites do not help you, try the search tips below. They are designed to help you find your song title and improve your online search skills for the type of information you need.


It is best to know as many of the texts as possible. The more texts you know, the better your search parameters will be.

If you have a recording or a clip of the song, play it and write the lyrics down properly.


Usually there is a ‘catchy melody’ for the song ‘chorus’ which is repeated several times, and is characterized by a strong melody and easy-to-read lyrics.

The lyrics to the chorus are in many cases either the title itself, which is included in the title or related to the title of the song.

Search with this phrase first using quotation marks around the phrase as you type it into a search engine, adding the word ‘text’ before it and the phrase ‘song title’ after it. Your search string should look like this:

lyrics ‘insert regular lyrics to the choir’s part of the song here’ song title

This will lead the search engine, such as Google, Yahoo !, or MS Live Search, to return pages that contain these words. The quote marks around the search engine command to keep the format and structure of those words, without changing words around when it matches the content on the landing pages.

Adding the word ‘text’ as your first word in the search string, instructs the search engine to prioritize web pages that have the word ‘texts’ as an important element. You also want the word ‘song title’ in the search string for the same reason.

Play around with other combinations of your search string based on the above logic.


If you do not find the results you want, it may be because the texts you use are too common.

Note the unique words or phrases used in your lyrics and choose a part that is not usually shared with other songs for your search parameters. For example, ‘I love you’ and ‘I miss you’ are common so many songs that use these phrases do not give very specific results.

You may need to change the search string and test different combinations before you see relevant search results.


Try searching with longer phrases. The more information you provide to the search engine, the more likely you are to get a matching result.

When searching with a very long section of texts, you can delete quotation marks.


If you still can not find the title of the song, start posting questions online. Take advantage of the forum or community features of song lyrics or music sharing sites that are most related to your song, make sure you ask questions in the right place. Do not be afraid to let people help you.

Tips and warnings

  • Be patient, especially for obscure songs that may have very few lyrics pages online.
  • Due to the huge volume of online subtitle sites and the high percentage of pop-ups and spam programs associated with those sites, be careful about which links you click from the search results. Make sure you have an antivirus program and quickly leave any websites that look or feel illegal. If you post on forums, make sure you do not share your personal information and be careful when interacting with others.
  • Do you hear about having a song ‘stuck’ in your head or hearing a song you really love and want to share, but you do not know the title of the song or even the artist? When someone asks you, ‘What is it you sound like’ humming? ‘ and the only answer you can give is ‘I do not know’, it may be time to take advantage of web search using the following tips to find your song title with the lyrics you already know.