How to learn cadences

By | April 6, 2021


Buy a training plate to help with the preparation of rhythms. These pillows are quiet and generally very cheap. If you play the snare drum, buy a set of drums. If you play the bass drum, you buy a mallet to make your training sessions more effective. Several empty-empty players should buy several pads or find a specially designed empty-empty training plate.


Check your music to see when you play. This is especially important with bass drummers, as the music will contain the notes for all the bass drummers in the section. If you only play part of the music, circle the notes you need to play during the cadence. Consider rewriting the music so that it contains only the notes you need to play.


Mark knitting patterns over each note to indicate which hand to use to strike each note. This mark can be as simple as an ‘R’ for your right hand and an ‘L’ for your left hand. As a general rule, mark strong strokes (usually one and three) with your right symbol. If you are left-handed, mark strong blows with your left hand. This is acceptable as long as you do not sacrifice consistency.


Set your metronome to a reasonable pace and start playing your part of the cadence. Do not set the metronome at such a fast pace that you have difficulty playing the cadence. Setting the metronome too high often prevents you from learning to play the rhythm correctly. When you become comfortable playing the cadence at your original speed, you can start increasing the setting very slowly. A good system to use is to play the cadence five times, set the metronome three points higher, play the cadence another five times and then set the metronome two points lower. Repeat this process until you reach your desired pace.


Attend or organize section meetings to begin coordinating the individual parts of each drummer. These exercises should begin at least two weeks before the performance of your drum line. The same individual training methods also apply to group training.

Tips and warnings

  • Be patient with other drum members as they learn cadences, as different drummers learn music in different steps. Perform more difficult sections separately and carefully. Making the same mistake over and over again will cause temporary mistakes to become permanent mistakes.
  • Practice on a real drum as long as you practice on your drum.
  • Each marching band percussion uses drum pads. These drum functions often provide marching material when there are no wind instruments or are used as transitional material when a group of marching musicians moves. Learning cadence requires a lot of preparation and collaboration with your employees. But the first part of learning a cadence requires some individual preparation.