The history of cassette players

By | April 5, 2021


Cassette players were designed by Phillips Corporation in 1963 and sold to the public in 1965. They were originally intended to record dictation, but were later developed to replace record players in home entertainment systems.


Cassette players allowed you to ‘shrink’ your music collection because tapes were much smaller than records. They also got people to record from other bands, records and radio that started the age of ‘mixed tape’.


Cassette players came in four main types, cassette tires that do not move, portable ‘boom boxes,’ staff Walkman and car stereo systems.

time frame

Cassette players were in popular use from the mid-1970s to the 1990s when the advent of CD players began to cut into the cassette player’s market share.


The introduction of Dolby sound and noise reduction technology improved the sound quality of cassette players compared to 8 track players and cheaper turntables. On top of the popularity of the turntable in the 1960s, a little known medium, the cassette player, became increasingly popular among music fans. The cassette player would quickly replace the turntable and 8 tracks as the preferred audio medium in the 1970s before it was replaced by the public on the CD in the 1990s.