The three parts of the drum

By | April 9, 2021

Kick Drum

The kick drum, or bass drum, is the bottom drum that is on the drum set and gives the rhythm’s bass beat. A foot pedal connected to the kick drum allows the drummer to hit the drum with his foot. Stepping on the pedal causes a turn signal to be connected to the pedal to strike in the middle of the kick roller. The quick drum is supported upright by two legs extending from each side of the drum for support.

Snare and Toms

The snare drum has snares made of metal, plastic or intestinal material and sits on a special stand on one side of the kick drum. The snare gives the back beat of the rhythm, usually in the opposite time to the kick drum beat. It is also the most flexible drum on the set. A switch located on the side of the drum makes it possible to turn on the snare and create the standard snare drum tone. When the power switch is off, the strings are released and the snare drum tone returns to a muted, non-snare tone.

Empty drums come in different varieties, the most typical being two rack toms and one floor empty. Rack toms sit on the rack directly above the kick drum, with one empty set higher than the other. The floor even sits on a stand to one side of the kick drum, opposite the wire. This drum is the largest inch and then offers the lowest tone. Toms are often played as an alternative to cymbals or snares and allow the drummer to provide colorful fillings throughout the music.


Cymbals are round discs of different metal alloys mounted in places around the drum set. The hat hat consists of two cymbals mounted against each other on a stand next to the snare drum. A foot pedal at the bottom of the hi-hat stand allows the drummer to open and close the cymbals.

A crash bymbal is a large cymbal mounted on a stand, usually above rack toms. This cymbal is used sparingly due to its enormous volume and tone. The crash is usually struck to denote the start of a new verse or chorus. A riding cymbal is also a large cymbal mounted on a stand above the floor inch and is used in contrast to the hi-hat for rhythmic purposes.


The Tromsø kit can be improved with a number of accessories. First, there are a number of drumsticks available for the drummer, including traditional wooden tips, brushes and galleries. Second, various percussion instruments can be mounted on stands in addition to the traditional parts of the set. For example, a tambourine can be mounted on top of the hi-hat spot for extra rhythmic color. In the same way, metal beads can be draped around the roadway to create a more durable tone when the cymbal is struck.

Other functions

While traditional drum kits have a kick, snare, three toms and three cymbals, a drum kit can be configured to a drummer’s own taste. For example, some sets have two kick drums (often used in heavy metal music), two snares (each set differently) and several toms and cymbals. Conversely, an additional jazz drum set can only contain a racktom and a bike path. The music genre often determines the type of drum kit. The drum set is the basis for the most modern music performed. From jazz to metal to folk to traditional rock and roll, the drums are the primary rhythmic driver of music and, combined with the bass, form a rhythm section. While the drum kit contains a variety of incarnations, there are three basic parts of the set to be aware of.