Tips on how to play the button pull

By | April 6, 2021

Get started with the Accordion button

First you need to find a button game player. Shop at local music stores and ask employees for help choosing one. Be sure to make it clear that you ‘Just looking for a’ student ‘knockout game, and getting something durable and solid is more important than having an expensive antique keyboard game. You should not have to pay more than a few hundred dollars for a harmonious accordion.
If you are starting to learn the keyboard, you can start by downloading an instruction manual. Try to find one that contains photos, scales, chords and notes. ‘How to Play the Diatonic Button-Accordion’ by Henry Doktorski or ‘Handbook For Melodeon’ are excellent books for beginner key players.

Experiment with your accordion Now that you have the opportunity to sit down with your accordion, your first instinct will probably be to experiment. This is the best way to start. It is important to get a feel for your accordion, including the movement of the bellows and the feel of the keys, before trying to learn chords and dare. As with most accordions, a few basic rules apply.
First, never open or close the bellows on your button game without first pressing at least one button. Failure to follow this rule can result in damaged reeds in your accordion, along with an expensive repair bill. Second, try to keep the melody side (right side) still while moving the accordion bellows. The buttons on the right side of the accordion play the melody of a melody, and are usually more active than the buttons on the left.

Learning scales and chords

Scales and chords create the basis for the type of music you play on your keyboard. Once you have a good feel for the instrument’s action and function, try using the books you purchased to learn some basic scales and chord progression. Play with the buttons on the left side of the accordion. , and is usually used for accompaniment. The keyboard is a full-size accordion with a series of buttons instead of the piano keys on the melody side of the keyboard. In a chromatic key game, the buttons are arranged chromatically. A diatonic button game has the buttons that are arranged diatonically, sometimes limited to only one key. This type of accordion is also sometimes referred to as a melodeon.